Recognition & enforcement of court decisions
If a court has decided that someone must pay you an amount of money or undertake a particular action (judgment) and this has not happened or you have not received the money, you may want to ask the court to enforce the decision.
- How to enforce a court decision When a Court is involved in solving a dispute, there are two steps that must be ensured at the end of the process. First, the Court must hand down a judgment and then the judgment needs to be enforced in practice.
- European enforcement order The Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 is a simple procedure that can be used for uncontested cross-border claims. This procedure allows a judgment in an uncontested claim delivered in one Member State to be easily recognised and enforced in another Member State.
- Inheritance
- European payment order
- Court fees concerning European Payment Order procedure
- Small claims
- Court fees concerning Small Claims procedure
- Insolvency/bankruptcy
- Securing assets during a claim in EU countries
- Civil cases
- Taking of evidence
- Service of documents: official transmission of legal documents
- Time limits on procedures
- Online processing of cases and e-communication with courts
- Protection against violence & harassment
- Which country's court is responsible?
- Recognition & enforcement of court decisions
- How to enforce a court decision
- European enforcement order
- Judicial cooperation
- European arrest warrant
- European Investigation Order, mutual legal assistance and Joint Investigation Teams
- Detention and transfer of prisoners
- Confiscation
- Freezing of assets and evidence
- Payment of fines
- European protection order
- e-Evidence Digital Exchange System
- General information
- General policy description
- Taking evidence by videoconference
- Manual
- Facilities in EU countries
- Mediation
- EU rules on mediation
- Mediation in EU countries
- Family mediation
- Family mediation
- Principles and stages
- How it works
- Costs
- Legislation
- European Payment Order forms
- Small claims forms
- Brussels IIa Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility forms
- Judgments in civil and commercial matters forms
- Legal aid forms
- Maintenance obligations forms
- European enforcement order forms
- European Account Preservation Order forms
- Compensation to crime victims forms
- Public documents forms
- European Certificate of Succession
- Mutual recognition of protection measures forms
- In which EU country?
- How to bring a case to court
- Which country's law applies?
- Costs
- Interest rates
- EU courts
- National justice systems
- National ordinary courts
- National specialised courts
- European payment order
- Small claims
- Judgments in civil and commercial matters - Brussels I Regulation
- Brussels I Regulation (recast)
- Legal aid
- Maintenance obligations
- Brussels IIa Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility
- Brussels IIb Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility (recast)
- Serving documents
- Serving documents (recast)
- Taking evidence
- Taking evidence (recast)
- European enforcement order
- Mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters
- Divorce and legal separation
- Mediation
- Succession
- European Account Preservation Order
- Compensation to crime victims
- Matters of matrimonial property regimes
- Matters of the property consequences of registered partnerships
- Public documents
- Defendants (criminal proceedings)
- Victims of crime
- Victims (criminal proceedings)
- Compensation
- If my claim is to be considered in this country
- If my claim is to be sent from this country to another EU country
- If my claim (from another country) is to be considered in this country
- Claiming damages from the offender
- Fundamental rights in the European Union
- Charter tutorial
- Part I - Protecting fundamental rights within the European Union
- Part II - When can an individual seek protection under the Charter
- Part III - Scope of application, interpretation and effects of the Charter
- Fundamental rights interactive tool
- List of relevant courts and bodies
- National courts and other non-judicial bodies
- Other EU and International complaint bodies
- EU law
- National legislation
- International law
- Publication of official announcements
- Consumer Law Database
- Country
- Enforcement
- Price Indication Directive (98/6)
- Text of the Directive (98/6)
- Text of the Directive (1999/44)
- Text of the Directive (2005/29)
- Text of the Directive (2006/114)
- Text of the Directive (2008/122)
- Text of the Directive (2009/22)
- Text of the Directive (2011/83)
- Text of the Directive (93/13)
- Text of directive (2015/2302)
- Text of the directive (2019/770)
- Text of the directive (2019/771)
- Text of the directive (2020/1828)
- Doorstep Selling Directive (85/577)
- Text of the Directive (85/577)
- Text of the Directive (90/314)
- Text of the Directive (94/47)
- Text of the Directive (97/7)
- Business registers – search for a company in the EU
- Business registers in EU countries
- Land registers - EU level
- Land registers in EU countries
- Bankruptcy and insolvency registers
- Beneficial ownership registers interconnection system (BORIS)
- Bankruptcy & insolvency registers - search for insolvent debtors in the EU
- Types of legal professions
- Lawyers
- Notaries
- Legal translators/interpreters
- Find an expert
- Forensic experts
- Mediators
- Training of justice professionals
- EU judicial training policy
- European training platform
- EU training networks & structures
- National training systems
- Initial training of judges and prosecutors in the European Union
- Initial training of lawyers in the European Union
- Judiciary training providers
- Court staff training systems
- Lawyers' training systems
- About the network
- Information for citizens
- Assistance to judges & other judicial authorities
- Events/news
- EJN's publications
- Information on national law (information sheets)
- Members' section
- Links
- About EJN
- Judicial ATLAS in criminal matters
- Compendium
- Judicial library
- Fiches Belges
- Information about national systems
- Cooperation with non-EU countries and judicial networks