Death Stranding Trophy Guide & Roadmap


Regarding Spoilers: This trophy guide is as spoiler-free as possible. The Roadmap / Trophy Guide only discuss basic gameplay functions and nothing about story events. The official story trophy descriptions have been edited to hide potential spoilers.

Welcome to the Death Stranding Trophy Guide! Death Stranding is not a hard platinum, but a time-consuming one. The one trophy that makes it long is “Best Beloved” for maxing out all facilities. This means doing lots of deliveries for them. The biggest help to cut down on time is to make use of Ziplines – they are unlocked later in the game and let you zip from one line to the next without being slowed by your cargo. Luckily, there are no missable trophies. The list consists of some story trophies, crafting, 56 collectibles (memory chips), and deliveries. There is a difficulty-related gold trophy “Growth of a Legend” which requires you to play on Hard. Fortunately, outside of combat the difficulty doesn’t matter so it’s really not as bad as it sounds (pretty much the same as Very Easy difficulty). Most of your time will be spent maxing out all facilities. The Story takes 40 hours or so, depending on how many side deliveries you do along the way. Everything is still doable after the story in free-roam.

Step 1: Play through the Story

The first step is to play through the story. It’s recommended you play on Hard difficulty because it’s mandatory to get “Legend of Legends” S-Rank in Premium Deliveries (Trophy: Growth of a Legend). You can’t get this rank on Normal or lower difficulties. For enemy encounters and boss fights you can switch to Very Easy in the game options. You can change the difficulty whenever you want and as often as you want, it doesn’t void anything. Nothing in this game is missable.

Difficulty only affects enemy encounters (of which there are very few). For actual deliveries (which make up 99% of the game) there is no noticeable difference between “Very Easy” and “Hard”. Hard difficulty is really not hard at all. Feel free to switch between Very Easy and Hard to try it out and you won’t notice a difference during Deliveries. You can switch difficulties at any time.

Enjoy the Story how you wish. It’s highly recommended you do all “Orders for Sam” (Primary Quests) and not just the mandatory story ones (that have an orange glow behind their name). These are all pretty important as they lead to new UCA Facilities. You can also do some Side Deliveries to level up Facilities but it’s more time-effective to build out a zipline network first and come back after the story.

This brings us to the biggest time savers: In the early game, frequently use vehicles (faster than walking) until you unlock Ziplines (story-related). Always carry a few “PCC Lv. 2” crafting items to build out a Zipline network. The ziplines let you travel immediately from one Zipline to the next and will save you well over 100 hours towards platinum. You won’t have to walk anywhere and BTs (the ghostly enemies) can’t reach you while on a Zipline. Prioritize Ziplines early on and you will save a lot of time later. The only limiting thing is that when going to new areas you can’t put ziplines there until you connected the area to the UCA network. You do a lot of backtracking in the story though, so when you do, you can place more ziplines on your way back.

Step 2: Connect all Facilities to the UCA, Level up all Facilities to 5 Stars & Do “Legend of Legends” Premium Deliveries (Hard Difficulty)


After the story, open the map and press to see what facilities you haven’t found yet (they will be greyed out). There are 39 facilities. You get most of them automatically from the story. For the rest see Death Stranding – All UCA Facility Locations.

Now level them all up to 5 stars (Trophy: Best Beloved) and combine it with the 80 Premium Deliveries. See trophy “Growth of a Legend” for a detailed explanation.

For this step you have to play on Hard Difficulty! That’s because “Legend of Legends” S-Ranks aren’t obtainable on Normal or lower difficulties. After the story there are no more forced enemy encounters so Hard difficulty is no different from Very Easy. For Deliveries you won’t notice a difference between the difficulties.

Make sure you have a good network of Ziplines put in place between the facilities you want to level. Also play online so you see the Ziplines of other players and don’t have to use up your Chiral Bandwith (this is a “feature” that limits how many structures you can have on the map at the same time). Since online structures don’t cost you Chiral Bandwith, they are very good to have around.

Maxing out all 39 facilities is by far the most time-consuming task. Some facilities (like Mountain Knot City) take countless deliveries to max out. It’s best to focus on the huge deliveries with 300kg weight or more. Those reward you a lot more likes than multiple small deliveries would. Because you travel by zipline the weight won’t slow you down.

Ziplines are the key here, they save a lot of time!

Step 3: Memory Chips (Collectibles)

There are 56 Memory Chips. They are the Collectibles in Death Stranding. You can’t get certain Memory Chips until you leveled up their nearest facilities. Then you get an email from the facility manager telling you about “a shiny object”. Reading that email makes the collectible spawn in the game.

Because you leveled up all facilities in Step 2, you now have access to all emails to make the collectibles spawn. You also get the last missing fabrication plan for “Homo Faber” from Memory Chip #31.

Step 4: Miscellaneous Mop-Up (e.g. Crafting)

At this point you will have gotten almost all trophies naturally while maxing out the 39 facilities. And because you got the Collectibles done you also have all fabrication plans. That should only leave you with a few structure building trophies (fully upgrade all structures, craft all equipment). Those won’t take long, now that you got lots of resources from the fully-leveled facilities.

Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:

Death Stranding Trophy Guide

None of these orders are missable. They keep respawning infinitely after the story so you can never run out of orders. For this trophy you should do 36 different orders to ensure it counts (doing same order multiple times may not count).


You unlock Premium Deliveries when completing the mandatory story mission “[Order No. 24] Prototype Bot Delivery: Distribution Center South of Lake Knot” (Episode 3). This cannot be missed.

Now at any terminal press :x:on a Standard Order, then :right:to “Select Premium Delivery”. These have stricter requirements.

How to Get “Legend of Legend” Ranks:

Here’s the most important part: You HAVE TO play on HARD DIFFICULTY and get an “S” Rank in the Mission Reward Screen to get “Legend of Legends” rating!

On normal difficulty you are limited to “Legend” ranking. On lower difficulties you can’t even get “Legend”.

For this trophy we need “Legend of Legends” so only S-Ranks on Hard Difficulty count. Luckily, the difficulty makes absolutely no difference to deliveries whatsoever. Hard and Very Easy are identical for deliveries. Only at story bosses / enemies you receive more damage and they can withstand more damage, but you don’t have any such encounters during deliveries. For the actual transporting there’s no difference. Therefore, it’s recommended to play on Hard difficulty at all times (only reduce to Very Easy for boss battles, doesn’t void the trophy).

What does “in all categories” mean?:

Here’s where the trophy description gets a bit confusing:

You must get 20 Legend of Legend (LoL) Ranks in each of the 4 categories (Condition-focused, Quantity-focused, Miscellaneous-focused, Delivery-time-focused). That means 80 LoL Ranks total (20 x 4 categories = 80).

Each standard order is assigned a specific category.

How to tell what category a standard order belongs to?:

When you scroll over a Standard Order at a Terminal, check out the icon behind the quest name to see what category it belongs to.

  1. Condition-focused: Has icon in list. Says “Cargo Condition” or “Fragile Cargo” in yellow/grey overlay. Often contains word “Fragile” in name.
  2. Quantity-focused: Has icon in list. Says “Quantity” in yellow overlay. Often contains just the unspecified word “Delivery:” in name (less specific names than other 3 categories).
  3. Miscellaneous-focused: Has icon in list. Says “Cargo Collection” in yellow/grey overlay. Often contains word “Collection” in name. These quests have you first go to a different area to retrieve an item and bring it back to the terminal.
  4. Delivery-time-focused: Has icon in list. Says “Delivery Time Limit: xx min” in yellow overlay. Often contains word “(Time-sensitive)” in name. These quests have a timer that runs down.

Where to keep track of progress?:

You can keep track of this under: World Map :opt:> :left:> Bridge Links > :x:on your PSN ID > Orders > Types of Premium Delivery Completed with Evaluation of “Legend of Legends”.

Other Important Notes:

Please note that Story Missions don’t count! Only Standard Orders do.

Also important: repeating the same standard orders does NOT add to your trophy progress! They have to be 80 DIFFERENT Orders! You can tell whether or not you previously completed a delivery by looking at the “Best Performance” section on the Standard Order screen. If you previously did it, it will say “Premium Delivery: Completed” with the rank you already got. If you didn’t get LoL rank you can redo the order.

All of these are automatic story unlocks. You must first craft a PCC, then use it to build those structures (except Ladder and Anchor, those can directly be crafted at terminals).

The Bridge and Safehouse you build during the tutorial missions “[Order No. 10] Construction: Bridge” & “[Order No. 27] Chiralium Gauge Delivery: Weather Station” don’t count. You must build those again using a PCC somewhere else. The Road from tutorial mission “[Order No. 25] Road Reconstruction” counted for me and I didn’t have to build another Road. But just in case the trophy doesn’t pop, build out another road segment somewhere.

The only optional ones you don’t get from the mandatory story missions, are:

Eastern Region (2 Facilities) – Musician, Ludens Fan
Central Region (6 Facilities) – Peter Englert, Collector, Cosplayer, First Prepper, Veteran Porter, Novelist’s Son.

There are 39 UCA Facilities. You must level them all up to 5 stars for this trophy. This is purely based on the number of likes they have given you. You get likes from a facility by making a delivery to them. The more weight the cargo has, the more likes you usually get. Getting S-Ranks on Premium Deliveries on Hard Difficulty is the best combination for extra likes. Each facility requires a different amount of likes (more or fewer deliveries).

It’s best to focus on heavy deliveries that give hundreds of likes at once. Go for Standard Orders and select the Premium Variant, don’t waste your time looking for Lost Cargo. Standard Orders show you how many likes they will give and can be combined with Legend of Legends Rank for gold trophy “Growth of a Legend”.

The most important part is that you have a really good Zipline Network put in place between the facilities you want to level. Then you can quickly zip from one line to the next without having to walk. You won’t be slowed down by your cargo and don’t run into any enemies or BTs.


To see which facilities you found, press twice on the map. For their locations and how to connect them to the UCA network, see this:

For this trophy it counts your online + offline likes together. So for example if you have 20,000 offline likes for deliveries and 30,000 online likes, the trophy will unlock. You must finish a mission to trigger the trophy on the rewards screen.


Your total number of likes is displayed on the world map (press Touchpad).


For this you need to be online and connected to the Death Stranding Servers. Go to any terminal (the ones where you accept orders, found at any facility). Interact with the Terminal > Share Locker > Donate Weapons & Equipment > Select an item and hold to confirm. This will remove the item from your game and makes it available for other online players to retrieve it. The trophy unlocks immediately after the item has been donated.

There are 7 Hot Springs Locations in total, but for this you just need to find any one of them. They get marked on the map when you’ve been nearby. Walk into a hot spring and press to sit down. Again press to stand up and pop the trophy.

One such hot spring bath is found in Central Region, south-west of “Film Director”:

You get many emails throughout the story but not quite enough to reach 100 total. To get over 100, you must level up facilities. By the time you maxed out all facilities to 5 stars (trophy “Best Beloved”) you will have 180 emails or so. Every facility sends you a couple of emails as you level them up. This doesn’t happen instantly though, after you sleep in a private room the emails arrive.

You can read them by opening the world map :opt:> :left:> Mail > press :x:on the emails.

You get many interviews throughout the story but not quite enough to reach 100 total. To get over 100, you must level up facilities and find Memory Chip #54, #55, #56. While you work towards 100% completion for the platinum trophy (maxing out all facilities to level 5 and finding all memory chip collectibles) you’ll automatically get 100 interviews along the way.

You can read them by opening the world map :opt:> :left:> Data > Interviews. These provide some interesting backstory to help you understand the story better.

First it’s recommended you unlock the Non-Lethal Assault Rifle Lv. 1. You get it automatically from Story Episode 4 [Order No. 41]. This cannot be missed. It’s not mandatory to get the trophy but makes it a bit easier (alternatively, using just your fists works too).

Now go to a MULE Camp in Central Region and stun all the enemies there. MULE camps are marked on the world map by orange outlines. They contain enemies that try to steal your cargo and hunt after you.


To get the trophy you must stun all enemies in a single camp. When done correctly, there will also be a text prompt in the bottom left “Porters will temporarily be able to traverse this area”. Make sure you really stun every single one of them. Use the scanner to locate the enemies when they’re hiding. The camp just south of Lake Knot City is recommended for this. It has very few enemies and no reinforcements driving around on trucks.

The reason you should use the Assault Rifle is because it makes knockouts fairly easy. The Bola Gun is not recommended as it only traps soldiers with a rope (doesn’t really “stun” them) and they break free after a few seconds. Alternatively, ramming them with vehicles (truck / trike) works too and will instantly stun them! Or you can use your bare hands to strike them or throw cargo for instant knockouts.

Also, if you use the Non-Lethal Assault Rifle, make sure you switch to rubber bullets. Hold :right:to open the weapon wheel and press :triangle:on the weapon to switch ammo type.

Things that increase connection level with BB:

Things that reduce connection level with BB:

You’ll get this automatically while going for “Best Beloved” (get 5 stars on all facilities).

There are 5 delivery categories: Condition, Quantity, Miscellaneous, Time, Bridge-Link.

Each mission is assigned 1 category. Then at the end of the mission, you gain XP for that category.

However, Bridge-Link is special. It’s online-only and rather than being a delivery category it’s simply your “Bridge Grade” that increases when other players give you likes. This “Bridge-Link” is mandatory for the trophy and the reason this is an online trophy. Make sure you are connected to the Death Stranding servers.

On the mission rewards screen you must get to level 60 in all categories.

How to tell what category a delivery belongs to?:

When you scroll over an Order at a Terminal, check out the icon behind the quest name to see what category it belongs to.

Higg’s home is located in Central Region, inside Peter Englert’s facility. This facility is directly west of Lake Knot City (see image below). You must have beaten Story Episode 9 before the door to Peter Englert’s facility opens up. At any point after Episode 9 (still possible after story), you can go inside Peter Englert’s facility to get the trophy.

First you must get the Cord Cutter – it’s an automatic story unlock (unmissable) in Episode 5: [Order No. 46].

You find NPC Porters RANDOMLY throughout Central Region. This is completely random. They are groups of 2-3 characters walking around (they show up offline as well as online). These are NPCs (non-player characters) and not actual online players!

They are Porters (delivery people) just like Sam and wear a white suit. They most frequently show up in the eastern half (right side) of Central Region. They are most frequently encountered at the following facilities: Engineer, Craftsman, Elder, Film Director, Junk Dealer.

But you can also spot them running around the wilderness. They don’t go to the snowy mountain region.

The easiest way to make BB cry is to fall over. Just run down a hill and trip over some rocks, so that Sam lands on his chest (where BB is attached). BB’s container will start to glow red and you’ll hear it crying.


You do this by going to one of your structures and holding Options-Button > Upgrade Structure. Roads cannot be upgraded and can be ignored for this.

It’s confirmed to work when upgrading your own structures. There are also reports that upgrading other people’s structures unlocks the trophy for both you and them. If the trophy doesn’t unlock and you upgraded other people’s online structures for it, try upgrading your own instead (it should count online upgrades but this is just in case you don’t get the trophy for some reason).

It’s also important to note that 3 items (Oxygen Mask, Power Gloves, Thermal Pad) can only be crafted in the snowy mountain region. All other craftables are available at any terminal in the world. Remember to actually put the crafted item in your backpack AND to drive the vehicles that you have built to ensure they are counted properly.

To keep track of which individual items you crafted: Go to a Terminal > Fabricate Equipment > click on an item to see the item description > in bottom left corner of item description will be a small white box. It has a checkmark if you crafted it (empty if never crafted before).

The list below contains all craftables and their locations (Order Number or Facility you need to level up). Also see Order Locations List & Facility Locations.


  1. Ladder – [Order No. 4]
  2. Climbing Anchor (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 4]
  3. Climbing Anchor (Lv. 2) – [Mountaineer Level 3]
  4. PCC (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 5]
  5. PCC (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 27]
  6. Container Repair Spray – [Order No. 8]
  7. Blood Bag – [Order No. 14]
  8. Smoke-Emitting Decoy – [Order No. 18]
  9. Vog-Emitting Decoy Cargo – [Elder Level 2]
  10. Bridges Boots (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 7]
  11. Bridges Boots (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 24]
  12. Bridges Boots (Lv. 3) – [Order No. 50]
  13. Power Skeleton (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 19]
  14. Power Skeleton (Lv. 2) – [Engineer Level 3]
  15. Power Skeleton (Lv. 3) – [Engineer Level 4 or 5]
  16. Speed Skeleton (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 34]
  17. Speed Skeleton (Lv. 2) – [Junk Dealer Level 3]
  18. Speed Skeleton (Lv. 3) – [Junk Dealer Level 4]
  19. All-terrain Skeleton (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 47]
  20. All-terrain Skeleton (Lv. 2) – [The Roboticist Level 3]
  21. All-terrain Skeleton (Lv. 3) – [The Roboticist Level 4]
  22. Armor Plate (Lv. 1) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 1 or 2]
  23. Armor Plate (Lv. 2) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 3]
  24. Armor Plate (Lv. 3) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 4]
  25. Armor Plate (Lv. 4) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 5]
  26. Oxygen Mask – [Order No. 59] –> can only be crafted in snowy mountain region (e.g. Mountain Knot City)
  27. Power Gloves [Order No. 50] –> can only be crafted in snowy mountain region (e.g. Mountain Knot City)
  28. Thermal Pad [Order No. 55] –> can only be crafted in snowy mountain region (e.g. Mountain Knot City)
  29. Bola Gun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 22]
  30. Bola Gun (Lv. 2) – [Craftsman Level 3]
  31. Anti-BT Handgun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 33]
  32. Anti-BT Handgun (Lv. 2) – . (Chiral Artist?)
  33. Sticky Gun – .
  34. Handgun (Lv. 1) – [South Knot City Level 1 or 2]
  35. Handgun (Lv. 2) – .
  36. Handgun (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 3]
  37. Assault Rifle (Lv. 1) – [South Knot City Level 1 or 2]
  38. Assault Rifle (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 43]
  39. Assault Rifle (Lv. 3) – [Mountain Knot City Level 3]
  40. Assault Rifle (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 5]
  41. Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 41]
  42. Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 43]
  43. Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (Lv. 3) – [Mountain Knot City Level 3]
  44. Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 5]
  45. Shotgun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 52]
  46. Shotgun (Lv. 2) – [Photographer Level 3]
  47. Shotgun (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 4]
  48. Riot Shotgun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 52]
  49. Riot Shotgun (Lv. 2) – [Photographer Level 4]
  50. Riot Shotgun (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 4]
  51. Grenade Launcher – [Order No. 61]
  52. Remote-Detonation Grenade Launcher – [Distribution Center North of Edge Knot City, upon first visit]
  53. Quadruple Rocket Launcher – [Edge Knot City, upon first visit]
  54. Multi-Rocket Launcher – [Exo-devo Biologist Level 4]
  55. Hematic Grenade (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 14]
  56. Hematic Grenade (Lv. 2) – [Paleontologist Level 1 or 2]
  57. Smoke Grenade (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 19]
  58. Smoke Grenade (Lv. 2) – [Craftsman Level 4]
  59. Stun Bomb – [Order No. 34]
  60. Remote Stun Bomb – Junk Dealer (Level 3 or Level 4)
  61. Grenade – [South Knot City Level 1 or 2]
  62. Floating Carrier (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 27]
  63. Floating Carrier (Lv. 2) – [Weather Station Level 3]
  64. Reverse Trike – [Order No. 23]
  65. Reverse Trike: Long Range – [Order No. 23]
  66. Reverse Trike: Defensive – .
  67. Reverse Trike: “Ride” Type – [Memory Chip #31]
  68. Truck – .
  69. Truck: Long Range (Lv. 1) – .
  70. Truck: Long Range (Lv. 2) – [Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City Level 4]
  71. Truck: Long Range (Lv. 3) – [Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City Level 5]
  72. Truck: Defensive – .

Special Thanks / Credits

Massive thanks to the following people for sending tips:
